
Propane Back-up Generators

Power For Your Peace Of Mind

Propane standby generators are a powerful, reliable way to protect homes and families, as well as buildings and businesses, from the damage a power outage can cause. Plus, portable propane generators are powerful enough to meet jobsite demands, too. And, because propane does not degrade over time like gasoline, the fuel supply is more stable and reliable. Keep exploring to learn more.

A standby generator powered by propane offers advantages that other fuel sources simply can’t match:

  • Permanently installed and supplied by an above- or below- ground tank, it starts automatically, the moment the power goes down.

*We service propane-powered backup generators.  Contact us to speak with a representative today.

  • Supplies supplemental electricity in as little as 10 seconds after an outage.
  • Propane doesn’t degrade over time, unlike diesel or gasoline, making it an ideal standby power fuel.
  • Most units produce as little as 60 decibels of noise, comparable to normal conversation.
  • Available in a variety of capacities to fit the needs of any size home.
  • Produces significantly fewer greenhouse gas emissions than diesel or gasoline.
  • Propane is non-toxic, non-poisonous, and won’t contaminate soil or water.
  • Can handle an entire home’s energy needs for days, unlike solar- or wind- powered systems.

Propane Provides Energy Versatility

The same propane that will power a home’s generator can also power the other major appliances that make life less stressful during a power outage.

Adding these propane appliances, and more, throughout a home can reduce the size and cost of the standby generator, by reducing the demands on it.

The Cost of Being Unprepared

More than 50 percent of homeowners say the expense is the only reason they have no form of backup power. Yet the financial and emotional tolls of a power outage far outweigh the price of a propane standby generator. When homeowners consider all that they have to lose physically and emotionally, the decision becomes simple.

The average homeowner will experience 3.5 power interruptions in a two-year period, and even short outages lasting less than four hours will cost homeowners an average of $1,250. That’s nearly $4,500 in spoiled food, hotels, damaged electronics, and more.